If you are interested in starting a business in Allentown, Easton, or Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, forming an LLC is the perferred business entity for numerous reasons. An LLC is an ownership structure which combines features of a corporation and partnership. The benefit of forming an LLC is that it offers the liability protection of a corporation, but does not require all of the formalities of a corporation. There are also tax benefits of forming an LLC. All profits and losses flow to the owners of the business and the business avoids taxation.
If you are interest in forming an LLC in Pennsylvania, you are required to file the Articles of Organization with the Pennsylvania Department of State. Generally, an attorney can prepare this document and can file this document on your behalf.
Following the filing of the Articles, an attorney should then draft an Operating Agreement, which state how profits and losses will be shared, the ownership structure of the business, and the responsibilities of each member.
If you are interested in filing an LLC for a business located in Bethlehem, Allentown, or Easton, please contact me by calling (484) 362-9286 or you can email us.